You can walk into Zion National Park for a week at $20 per person. However, all travelers must use the shuttle system to travel around the park if they do not use their private vehicles.
Zion National Park is one of the most spectacular national parks in the US. However, the private vehicle entrance fee is $35 here, which makes using the park’s shuttle system more budget-friendly.
But can you walk into Zion without a car? And how does the shuttle system work in the first place?
That’s what we will be covering in this article. We will also try to understand if you need a reservation to get into Zion and how early you can enter it.
Let’s begin!
Can You Walk Into Zion Without A Car?

Yes, you can walk into Zion National Park and avail the shuttle system. Riding The Town shuttle service is provided free of cost by Zion.
You can walk into the park for $20 per person for a week; however, it is necessary to avail Zion’s shuttle system. The entrance fee is for you to park in Springdale and walk in.
Maybe you want to go green, or do not own a car, or perhaps rentals are expensive; whatever the reason, this is how to visit Zion without a vehicle.
- Book a shuttle from a rental or National Park Services from Las Vegas to Zion. It costs less than $150.
- Stay close to the park. You can take advantage of the park’s shuttle services if you have a reservation at Zion Lodge.
- Familiarise yourself with the map and navigate through the shuttle system.
However, if you are without a car at Zion National Park, you must use their shuttle services to travel through the park, from April to October, even on the six-mile Scenic Drive.
How Does The Shuttle System At Zion Work?
All travelers must use the shuttle system to travel around the park if they do not have private vehicles.
Spring, summer, and fall are the park’s busiest months of the year.
Using the shuttle system in place when traveling around the park and along the six-mile Zion Canyon scenic drive is necessary.
Bikes are also available for rent during the check-in. They are parked on the road during the spring, summer, and fall.
The Zion Lodge guests with overnight stays can drive to the lodge using the red permit mailed beforehand. It must also be validated at the front desk and displayed when the vehicle is parked.
On the other hand, for the winter months, the shuttle services only run on certain days and a limited number.
Shuttles are given on a first-come, first-served basis by Zion National Park. No tickets, permits, or reservations are needed to ride the park shuttle or enter the park.
Can You Drive Your Car Through Zion National Park?
Private vehicles are allowed into Zion when the shuttle system is not operating or there aren’t any more shuttles left.
April through October is the peak season for travelers to come to Zion. Most of them arrive from the South Entrance near the town of Springdale.
The use of private vehicles in the area is restricted during this time, and Zion charges a $35 private vehicle entrance fee for a week if you park near Visitor Center.
However, if there is no shuttle, you can drive along the Zion-Mount Carmel Highway (from the park’s East Entrance) and in the park’s Kolob Canyons and Terrace sections.
Private vehicles can also access Zion’s Scenic Drive without a shuttle system.
Zion also has limited space for designated parking. However, if the parking space is filled, the visitors can park in Springdale’s town and ride the shuttle service into the park.
What Can You See At Zion Without A Car?
It is mandatory to avail of the shuttle system at Zion National Park. Without a car, you might miss the Canyons Overlook trail, which requires a personal vehicle.
Because the park has a shuttle system, there’s a lot you can see at Zion National Park without a car. Here’s a list of a few things:
- Zion Canyon Visitor Center
- Zion Human History Museum
- Pa’rus Trail
- Lower Emerald Pools Trail
- Middle Emerald Pools Trail
- Upper Emerald Pools Trail
- Zion Lodge
- Sandbench Trail
- The Grotto Hike
- Kayenta Trail
- Riverside Walk
- The Narrows Hike
- Angel’s Landing Hike
- Watchman Trail
- Archaeological Trail
However, without a car, you might also miss out on Canyon Overlook Trail and the Kolob Canyons area, which require a personal vehicle.
Final Remarks
There was not a lot of complied and precise information regarding Zion National Park on the internet. In this article, I tried to tackle that by creating a definitive guide on the subject.
Here’s a quick recap.
Can you walk into Zion National Park? You can walk into Zion National Park but are required to use their shuttle service to travel around. If there is no shuttle system, you can use your private vehicle in the park, even on Scenic Drive.

My name is Jeyn Dashner and I am the founder of WanderFever. I have worked as a travel journalist for many years, and exploring new places is my greatest pleasure in life.